Wufei Temple
It is the tomb of the five concubines who voluntarily died with Chu, Shu-guei, King of Ningjing in the Ming Dynasty. These five concubines were Ms Yuan, Ms Wang, Siugu, Meijie and Hojie. In June 1683, when Jheng, Ke-shuang surrendered to the Ching troop which defeated the Ming troop in Penghu, the King of Ningjing wanted to die for his country.
Upholding to righteousness and chastity, his five concubines hung themselves in the main hall of the residence. The King of Ningjing later buried them on the Kueidoushan outside the south gate of the city (today’s Wufei Temple).
After the King of Ningjing and the five concubines died for the country, people built the temple in front of their tombs to honor their loyalty to the country.
The temple was later deserted and renovated during the Cianlong Reign of the Ching Dynasty. A tablet read “Tome of the Five Concubines of the King of Ningjing” was erected there. After the renovation in 1651, it was known as the Wufei Tome. When it was renovated again during the Guang-Syu Reign of the Ching Dynasty, people called it “Wufeiniang Temple”. It was repaired again during the Japanese Colonization, and the local official of Tainan thus wrote Wufei Tome on the tablet there.
Unlike ordinary temples in Taiwan, the door gods of Wufei Temple are eunuchs and maids. The Yilingjyun Temple in the east is built to commemorate the two eunuchs who died together with the five concubines. It was last renovated in 1978. Today, it is a Class I Historical Site
Opening hours : Daytime : 8:30am-5: 30pm / Evening : 5:30pm-9:00pm
Ticket : Free admission
Tainan City Travel Information from : Tainan City Government (http://ims.tncg.gov.tw/tour/english/historic/ht.asp)
Tel : 06-2145665
Address : No.201, Wufei St., West Central District, Tainan City 700, Taiwan (R.O.C.)